Welcome to M&M MnM Public We're a tight-knit group of Miners and the Mercenaries that protect them. We operate with a strong team focus, offering support to our members in achieving their goals, whatever they may be.
Over the years we have grown from High Sec to a full Null Sec corp...
We PVP, Mine, Rat (PVE), Industry (PI and Manufacturing).
We are primarily engaged on:
PvP: We do small gang roams within the corp, participate in home defense and are part of a well established Alliance. Our corp is focusing on logistics/support ships for the Alliance that provide a very important role in fleets.
Industrial: Mining, production, PI, capital ship production.
Ratting: We live in drone lands and have our own system that we tend to and get frequent escalations.
Everything Else: We dabble in a broad range of other activities from time to time just to keep things interesting. However we like to keep a nice rounded group.
Contact us on our Channel
MnM Public CEO & Diplo:
Penny Fera Recruitment:
Penny FeraIndustrial inquiries:
Military inquiries: